Fr. David Blazek
Our Mission
We, the people of St. Rita Catholic Parish, through the guidance of
the Holy Spirit, are dedicated to serving the community in which we live by proclaiming, teaching, and living the Word of the Gospel so that Christ's love, respect, peace, and justice for all will prevail.
Phone: 248. 634. 4841
309 East Maple
Holly, MI 48442

Mass Times: Tuesday-7pm, Wednesday-9am, Thursday-9am, Saturday-4pm, Sunday-9am, 11am & 6pm

March 7
March 21
April 4

March 14
March 28
April 11
Join us EVERY Friday in LENT for Stations of the Cross at 7:00pm
In just a few very few days, Spring will be here, and 100 years will have passed. 100 years of worship and service, ministry and mission. In this century, the St. Rita church community has been formed, grown and flourished, matured and become vibrant!
Catholic families and supportive friends brought boulders, stones and building materials from their fields and homes to the site that is now St. Rita, Catholic Church of Holly. The pastor at the time named the church St. Rita, as nearly everything that had been accomplished had seemed impossible! Generations have come to be welcomed and embraced. Faith has grown and blessings have raised us all! And now 100 years of St. Rita Catholic Church are celebrated!
As pastor, blessed as I am by God and God‘s people of St. Rita, I encourage you to take part in the ways and in the habits, in the “newness-es” and in the traditions that are St. Rita! As this centennial year unfolds, there will be ways for us to share our faith, to give thanks to God, to embrace each and every blessing and challenge!
Join us!! Join in! 100 years happens only once every hundred years! Saint Rita, pray for us!
Love, Father Dave

Great Lakes National Cemetery
Committal Ministry
If you are having a loved one interred at Great Lakes National Cemetery and would like a priest to assist with Catholic committal prayers, please call the Rectory office.
Rite of Committal
Prayers for the deceased and blessing of the ground or burial place.